The Directive on Open Data and PSI aims to encourage Member States to facilitate the re-use of public sector data with minimal or no legal, technical and financial restraint. In addition, the directive will make available high-value data for re-use.
The new PSI Directive proposal, which once adopted will be named “Open Data and Public Sector Information Directive”, seems to have put an end to the dispute. New point 5 of article 1 removes any doubt about the possibility for the Public sector bodies to invoke the sui generis right:
392. 437. (°F). SC-U. 18+(2×NoP) mm. 11,3+(0,437×NoP) kg Europe, Pressure Equipment Directive (PED). America Niveau d'intensité sonore LWA, mesuré conformément à la directive 2000/14/CE Pump type.
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The directive should explicitly include algorithms and computer programmes, Belgium suggested. The EC proposal to amend the PSI Directive is aligned with one of COMMUNIA’s January 2011 policy recommendations (#13), which states, “The PSI Directive needs to be broadened, by increasing its scope to include publicly funded memory organisations – such as museums or galleries – and strengthened by mandating that Public Sector Information will be made freely available for all to use and re-use without … Guides to Implementation of the (Revised) PSI Directive The (revised) PSI Directive calls on European Member states to implement a range of measures to ensure that a great deal of public sector information is available to its citizens. 07 / 02 / 2019. Council approves deal on Public Sector Information (PSI) directive.
We, the undersigned associations representing key European Research and Innovation stakeholders, hereby voice our concerns regarding the extension of the Public Sector Information (PSI) directive to research data, and call on the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union to ensure a sound coherence between the different EU legislative texts on research
After the destruction of Deruz Gamma III on stardate 151319.5 and the first viewed ability of the Psi Molecule, the basic discharge of nearly 2 zetajoules of energy and the planetary The new PSI Directive proposal, which once adopted will be named “Open Data and Public Sector Information Directive”, seems to have put an end to the dispute. New point 5 of article 1 removes any doubt about the possibility for the Public sector bodies to invoke the sui generis right: The PSI Directive aims at facilitating the re-use of public sector information throughout the European Union by harmonising the basic conditions for re-use and removing barriers to re-use in the internal market. On 26 June 2013, the European Parliament and the Council adopted Directive 2013/37/EU, amending the PSI Directive. EIM Position Paper on PSI Directive - EIM EIM Position Paper on PSI Directive 3rd December 2018 On the 25th of April 2018, the European Commission adopted a proposal for a revision of the so-called ‘Public-Service-Information Directive (PSI-Directive)’ on the re-use of public sector information.
The PSI directive was reviewed in 2013 and over time it has turned from a competition instrument into a real open data instrument. The Commission is expected to evaluate by July 2018 how the directive works and to come up with proposals for change where relevant.
The public sector body concerned is in charge to take the decision to communicate documents Review of the PSI Directive 2017 In preparation of the review of the Re-Use of Public Service Information (PSI) Directive , the European Commission launched a public online consultation to seek views on how to improve accessibility and re-use of public and publicly funded data, and also considers access to and use of privately held data of public interest. 2011-10-01 PSI directive: Input from the digital industry Brussels, 31 October 2018 KEY MESSAGES • DIGITALEUROPE’s Members value the importance of the PSI directive and ask for improvements to make it work better in practice. • Harmonisation of PSI data access rules between Member States should be … At the end of 2011 the European Commission presented a proposal for the review of the EU Directive on the reuse of public sector information (hereafter referred to as Commission’s Review) that updated the directive and strengthened certain provisions ..
The Directive on Open Data and PSI aims to encourage Member States to facilitate the re-use of public sector data with minimal or no legal, technical and financial restraint. In addition, the directive will make available high-value data for re-use. We, the undersigned associations representing key European Research and Innovation stakeholders, hereby voice our concerns regarding the extension of the Public Sector Information (PSI) directive to research data, and call on the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union to ensure a sound coherence between the different EU legislative texts on research
Det omarbetade PSI-direktivet – värdefulla och dynamiska förändringar En stor del av lagstiftningen som rör den fortsatta digitaliseringen av samhället kommer idag från EU. Förslagen har ofta sin grund i EU-kommissionens strategi för en inre digital marknad (eng. Digital Single Market). EDPS Opinion on the proposal of the European Parliament and of the Council on the re-use of the public sector information (PSI).
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PSI-direktivet. ett EU‑ direktiv om att information från myndigheter ska göras tillgängliga för alla.
We, the undersigned associations representing key European Research and Innovation stakeholders, hereby voice our concerns regarding the extension of the Public Sector Information (PSI) directive to research data, and call on the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union to ensure a sound coherence between the different EU legislative texts on research
This is obviously not in line with the principles of the PSI Directive. The two directives seem to go in opposite ways: the PSI Directive promotes the idea to make as much public information available for re-use as possible, whilst the Database Directive is trying to limit and control the re-use of information.
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The Psi Directive was the basic twin of the Omega Directive, having such vast volatility and disaster behind it that all other general order, directive, regulation etc (Besides Regulation 3) was rescinded. After the destruction of Deruz Gamma III on stardate 151319.5 and the first viewed ability of the Psi Molecule, the basic discharge of nearly 2 zetajoules of energy and the planetary
Directive 2003/98/EC established a set of minimum rules governing the re-use and the practical arrangements for facilitating re-use of existing documents held by public sector bodies of the Member States, including executive, legislative and judicial bodies. We, the undersigned associations representing key European Research and Innovation stakeholders, hereby voice our concerns regarding the extension of the Public Sector Information (PSI) directive to research data, and call on the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union to ensure a sound coherence between the different EU legislative texts on research This is obviously not in line with the principles of the PSI Directive. The two directives seem to go in opposite ways: the PSI Directive promotes the idea to make as much public information available for re-use as possible, whilst the Database Directive is trying to limit and control the re-use of information.
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The Directive on the re-use of public sector information, the so called 'PSI Directive', has opened up new sources of public sector information for re-use and has accelerated the roll-out of national open data initiatives.
The Spanish Council of Ministers has approved a draft law which defines the re-use of public data in the country. This approval represents a key evolution in Open Data policy in Spain, as it transposes the new elements of the revised PSI Directive into Spanish law. The PSI Directive provides a framework for Member States to help them include a public data re-use model in their laws. PSI Directive’) has been in place since 20034.